Rencontre d'un autre genre // Your hottest companion in town
Age : 26 yrs old
Taille/Size : 5'5
Poids/Weigh : 150lbs
Cheveux/Hair : Orange
Yeux/Eyes : Chocolate
Tattoo / One piercing
Visage androgyne, regard de braise et corps aux courbes sensuelles, là où se rencontrent masculin et féminin pour une rencontre sur saura combler vos désirs...
I'm your young androgynous beauty with an atypical charm. A sweet blend of sophistication and simplicity for a very hot and sensual moment..
Share a few details about yourself to break the ice. Be polite, respectful and write an interesting message. It's not recommended to use one-liners like "where can i c u?".